Tropical Paradise Transport Cocktail

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  • Yield: 10 oz
  • Serving: 2
  • Prep time: 5 m
  • Cook time: 0 m
  • Ready in: 5 m
(0 / 5)

Nothing can whisk me away faster to a tropical isle than the combination of pineapple and coconut. One sip and I am transported to turquoise seas and cloudless aqua skies, lying on a hammock under shady palm trees with just a hint of a tropical breeze. This wonderful cocktail recipe originally came from Bon Appétit. Containing a few changes to make it a bit easier, I have eliminated 2 coconuts and making simple syrup. Coconut water is easy to find in your grocery store. The blue agave nectar is used in exact amounts to sub for the simple syrup. I hope you will enjoy this cocktail. Cheers


  • Cocktail
  • Garnish


Calories from Fat
54 g
Total Fat
6.1 g
Saturated Fat
5.3 g
0 mg
5.5 mg
Total Carbohydrate
8.6 g
Dietary Fiber
0.3 g
5.4 g
0.8 g

Step by step method

  • Step 1

    In a large cocktail shaker mix agave nectar, coconut milk, light rum, gold rum, lime juice, pineapple juice and coconut water; fill with ice and shake vigorously 20 times.

  • Step 2

    Do not stain; pour into 2 ice filled glasses.

  • Step 3

    Garnish with lime slice and maraschino cherry.


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